Unlock the potential in trusted recommendations!

The simple and standardized way to include your extended networks in your recruitment processes​

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The new way to recruit

Why use Vouch?

Varför rekommendationer?


tycker att de bästa rekryteringarna görs via rekommendationer​


mer långvariga tillsättningar när rekryteringen görs via rekommendationer​


snabbare rekryteringar när kandidaten kommer via en rekommendation​

Boost your candidate pipeline

Supercharge your candidate pool with Vouch. Our platform, fueled by a compelling referral system and your trusted network, ensures a surge in high-quality candidates. The 'chain of trust' guarantees a secure and transparent process, revolutionizing your recruitment experience.​
With Vouch, your organization gains access to high performing candidates.  An endorsement by a trusted contact sparks interest, significantly increasing the chances of attracting top talent to your team.

Attract top talent  ​

Streamline your recruitment

Vouch's trusted recommendations mean a faster, more efficient hiring process. Elevated candidate quality cuts down on interview steps and verification time, ensuring a significantly reduced "time-to-hire" and freeing up resources for your organization.​

What is Vouch?

Vouch is the solution for maximizing the potential of your organization's network. Our key strength lies in prioritizing personal relationships and trust at every step of the recommendation process. That's the heart of what makes Vouch unique.
Interested in using Vouch in your next recruitment process? Remember – you only pay for successful recruitments!